The fact that a container resides inside a text file was sufficiently awesome. Looking at the way orchestration is done via the Kubernetes has a feeling that its a miracle and yes the miracle has made the giant give in and Lo & Behold ....
Docker gives into inevitable and offers native Kubernetes support
It was not inevitable as the news refers to but it was really hard work at Kubernetes and already most of the big guns have given up (or joined hands with Kubernetes). The following news item show.
Platinum Members : Microsoft, AWS, CISCO, CoreOS, DellTechnologies, Fujitsu, Google, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Joyent, NEOSPHERE, ORACLE, Pivotal, Redhat, Samsung, SAP, VMWare and Finally Docker.
The above list shows that there is quite a bit of back story to the 'inevitable'.
Happy Days for k8s and loving it totally.