Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Kubernetes : The genie in a text file

The fact that a container resides inside a text file was sufficiently awesome. Looking at the way orchestration is done via the Kubernetes has a feeling that its a miracle and yes the miracle has made the giant give in and Lo & Behold ....

Docker gives into inevitable and offers native Kubernetes support

It was not inevitable as the news refers to but it was really hard work at Kubernetes and already most of the big guns have given up (or joined hands with Kubernetes). The following news item show.

Platinum Members : Microsoft, AWS, CISCO, CoreOS, DellTechnologies, Fujitsu, Google, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Joyent, NEOSPHERE, ORACLE, Pivotal, Redhat, Samsung, SAP, VMWare and Finally Docker.

The above list shows that there is quite a bit of back story to the 'inevitable'. 

Happy Days for k8s and loving it totally. 

Monday, October 16, 2017

TIL : Never change and push code directly on GitHub site

Never ever do this even if its as mundane and harmless as a few changes in the README.

Your customers will suffer because they are not as aware of the code as you are and they follow README much more diligently than you do.

Another lesson learnt is that never ever do it on master branch. Also create a sub branch and work on it. Keep your most recent working code in master. This is another mistake I made while I preach the same to others I did not practice it myself.

The above cost me hours of fixing and a lot of client disgruntlement. 

Wednesday, October 04, 2017

APIs with a postman

I never realised that a postman would be worth so much. However while recently working with lots of APIs in parallel and in the process developing another one. It struck me and stuck with me the importance of a tool as handy as postman

I was firm believer of using CURL scripts to test APIs and incorporating tests into the API development would be the best way. However postman awed and shocked me by its ease of use and wonderful interface. 

Next stop .... How to handle load balancing and load testing.