Sunday, January 24, 2010

Experiment :: FreeBSD on VMware Player on top of XP

Installing FreeBSD on top of XP via VMware Player. The experience is pretty nice until now. Installation steps were pretty simple.

1. Downloaded FreeBSD ISO from the website (
2. Then installed the ISO via VMware Player

The first reboot led me to a prompt $ and ability to run various commands. The next step is to install KDE. Started off installing KDE by executing the following command (make install clean) on the command line in the directory (/usr/ports/x11/kde4/). this led to downloading the kde from internet. Then since no proxy was setup therefore an error was encountered. This was solved by setenv http_proxy http://myproxyaddress:8080 .

The command line came up easily the only problem was that KDE failed to install and gave the error "undefined reference to vtable projectbuildermakefilegenerator". Trying to figure out what to do with this error. Tried to google, rebuild ports, reload ports and lets see what happens.

But overall again a nice experiment.

Later I tried pkg_add -r kde4

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